That's What Community is All About

An Interactive Theatre & Storytelling Performance

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Thursday, October 3, 2024, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The Evergreen State College Children’s Center
2824 Fireweed Drive, Olympia, WA 98505

Evergreen Alumni, Students, and Friends of the Children's Center!

Window Seat will be engaging the public in one of the origin stories apart of our Community Roots oral history collection, Driftwood Daycare, which was a childcare center at Evergreen founded in 1971. The daycare moved from the small abandoned farmhouse located on Driftwood Road in the mid-’80s to the current location of the Evergreen’s Children’s Center. The exhibit panels and audio stories will be on display at the Children’s Center and our theatre company, Brave Practice, will do a performance exploring project themes of community-based learning, collective organizing, and access to shared physical space. Come join!

Suggested donation: $5-$25. Please email with needs or questions.

About Window Seat

Window Seat is a community nonprofit oral history and storytelling organization in Washington's South Sound region. We launched our Community Roots Oral History Project in 2023 to document and elevate our community's rich history of activism and organizing that often intersects with local arts/cultural initiatives. Featuring artists, organizers, and activists, the project documents “micro-histories” or oral histories about specific moments, organizing efforts, or projects that are important to our collective history in the South Sound. The project shares wisdom from local visionaries central to these efforts and activates their stories through an exhibit and ongoing series of community gatherings, workshops, and performances. Engagement with these stories should create opportunities for intergenerational conversations, nurturing community wisdom, and imagining possibilities of tomorrow. Our staff are Meg Rosenberg and Elaine Vradenbugh, and we partner with collaborators far and wide to carry out this work.
