Gleaning Wisdom from Our Neighbors

Storytelling Circle & Annual Gathering

Dear friends,

We look forward to our annual gathering as an opportunity to come together to celebrate and share gratitude and love for the work we collectively make possible in our community. We were sad to postpone our May gathering, and are grateful for your support and understanding as we've pivoted plans. Save the date for Thursday, August 29th for a storytelling circle gathering.

Until soon,

Elaine & Meg and the Window Seat Media Board

WHEN - Thursday, August 29th, 2024, 6-8:00 p.m.
WHERE -Burfoot Park, Meadow Shelter

6927 Boston Harbor Rd NE, Olympia, WA 98506 

More information on event page.


Everyone is welcome to attend! While RSVPing for the event is free, this is a community fundraiser and we encourage donations. You can give before, during, and after the event. Click the 'Donate" button on the RSVP page to set up a one-time or recurring donation. Monthly donations will automatically include you as a Friend of Community Storytelling. You can also SUBSCRIBE directly to our subscriber program and choose your level for as little as $5/month. We’re excited to grow our community donations and will invite pledges at the gathering. We will also have day-of raffle tickets with some incredible prizes available for purchase. We value all donations, large and small!


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