*Become a Hope Floats Swim School Partner*

Join the Hope Floats family and swim it forward with local fundraising for local scholarships. We are so excited to partner with you!

Join the Hope Floats family today. 
Set up your monthly donation here.

Welcome to the Hope Floats family!  Your monthly contribution is what makes your partnership official and allows us to do great work together serving more children in your community. 

Donations are Tax-Deductible, and you will receive an email receipt for every donation.  Suggested donation levels:

For Swim Schools providing less than 500 lessons per week (on average), our minimum recommended donation is $50 per month, which covers administrative costs at Hope Floats and allows all of your local fundraising efforts to fund local scholarships at YOUR school.

For Swim Schools providing more than 500 lessons per week, we recommend the following partnership structure:

  1. SWIM SCHOOL PROVIDER LEVEL: A dime per lesson provided by your program per week
  2. SUSTAINING PARTNER LEVEL: Fifteen cents per lesson provided by your program per week
  3. FOUNDING MEMBER LEVEL: A quarter per lesson provided by your program per week

Founding Members have their logos displayed with a link to their website on the home page of www.hopefloats.foundation and are featured on our providers page http://www.hopefloats.foundation/become-a-provider/.

PRESS THE RED "CONTRIBUTE" BUTTON TO THE RIGHT, CLICK "become a sustaining, monthly donor" and input your donation amount. 

What is a Hope Floats Swim School Partner?

Hope Floats Swim School partners are committed to saving lives of ALL kids in their communities and making a sustainable difference by committing to do some fundraisers through their swim school regularly.    There are no required amounts of participation, and Hope Floats has packaged up several tested, easy-to-implement fundraisers that require minimal effort and maximum impact.   The more funds we raise together for your scholarship bucket, the more children we can help you reach!

Our founders were Swim School owners, too, and we understand the demands of running your swim school business.   Joining the Hope Floats family as a Swim School Partner means joining a network of other caring learn-to-swim professionals across the country, and "swimming it forward" with your staff, your community, and the children and families you work with daily. You now have a registered, experienced 501(c)3 nonprofit organization you can fundraise as much as you want for - and thus will be able to scholarship so many more kids than you could before because the money won't just be coming out of your own pocket.  

How much money will this save me?

Setting up your own 501c3 nonprofit public charity would cost you approximately $10,000 upfront cash, including legal fees and about a year of effort between your lawyers, the government, and yourself.

From talking with many swim school owners around the country, we know that Swim School owners have HUGE hearts!   Many swim schools are funding scholarship children in their community out of their own pockets because in their hearts, they know it is the right thing to do.   We have seen small Swim Schools that pull about $5000 out of their pockets (by not charging fees they otherwise would have collected for those lessons) to as much as $100,000 a year in larger schools!

By partnering with Hope Floats, you save ALL those expenses, and have a better, more sustainable way to increase access to your learn-to-swim program. You join forces with other big hearts where we exchange ideas, pool resources, get more media exposure by promoting the same campaigns and messages, and start to have a global voice in ending childhood drowning.  All kids deserve access to the life-saving skill of swimming, and this is the movement that will make it happen!

What does my donation help pay for?

Because Hope Floats Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 organization, we suggest a monthly donation below to support Hope Floats administrative costs.  That allows us to give 100% of publicly-raised funds directly to support children through scholarships.  Your tax-deductible donations will be used to pay the administrative costs below so that on the fundraising campaigns you run through your swim school, you can honestly say that “100% of fundraised money goes to children in need.”  

Admin costs include:

  • Annual Legal costs, including registering in your state and state and federal compliance
  • Supporting your school in planning local fundraising activities
  • Developing and documenting new fundraisers
  • Managing the accounting of your fundraising efforts; we track all fundraising and scholarships by the communities they serve
  • Audits and financial reviews, ensuring full transparency and fiscal responsibility
  • Scholarship administration - we handle everything from reviewing applications, communicating with applicants, and transferring scholarship funds
  • Post-scholarship survey for swimmers to collect outcome data
  • National marketing and acquisition of corporate sponsorships and business partners to support you
  • Implementation of needed technologies to deliver the mission to give all children access to swim lessons
  • Outreach and coordination with other nonprofits in the drowning prevention space

By becoming a monthly contributing swim school partner, your Swim School can then legitimately say on all your marketing, your signage at your front desk, your website, facebook, advertising and EVERYWHERE:

“A portion of every sale at our school goes to end childhood drowning through Hope Floats Foundation”


“100% of all local donations go to sponsor a local child in need”

For more information, please see our website at www.hopefloats.foundation or reach out to us at info@hopefloats.foundation.

Help us spread the word by sharing your support and inspiring your like-minded friends into action to help keep our children safe!
