April 10, 2020 Update: Despite Setbacks of Travel Restrictions and the Global Pandemic, the Mission of Foyer Coin des Cieux Continues. Your Help is Needed
Much has changed since this video was produced, but the mission of Foyer Coin des Cieux continues. Your prayers and financial help, especially at this time, would be warmly welcomed.
Foyer Coin des Cieux is both an orphanage and school in St. Marc, Haiti. The emphasis of the school is English language instruction to help break the cycle of poverty. A 2019 U.S. State Department travel advisory restricted the ability of groups of U.S. students to travel their for a semester at a time. Since then, the travel advisory has been lifted, but other complications have continued to prevent the groups from returning, sadly. Individuals and small groups of friends and family members have made the trip, staying at the orphanage in the teachers' quarters, and providing English instruction during the day.
Since the pandemic, however, travel has been severly curtailed. While the pandemic has set back some of the planned efforts described in this video, the mission continues. Fritzner Morlant, who runs the orphanage and school, reports an increase in demand from the community for the basic necessities of life. FCC is doing the best it can, but if your circumstances permit, they would welcome your help, either on a one-time basis or on an ongoing monthly basis. (You may cancel at any time.)
Pathways to English is a U.S. non-profit 501(c)(3) set up specifically to help the mission of Foyer Coin des Cieux. Contributions are tax deductible. 100% of the contributions received on this site are provided to Foyer Coin des Cieux.
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