A Canyon Peoples' Portrait World Premiere Documentary

Kane County’s History Made Delicious

A Canyon Peoples' Portrait World Premiere Documentary

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Buy tickets to Thursday's premiere

Buy tickets to Friday's premiere

The Pattern:

Brigham Young constantly sent reinforcements, resources and encouragement to Utah’s outlying communities.

He encouraged immigrants to Utah to bring seeds from their homelands. He tried out the seeds on his farm, and those that thrived were then sent out to be cultivated in rural Utah.

And he and other leaders visited the distant communities frequently.

Today:                      Image title

Utah’s rural communities today are the most economically depressed areas of Utah. But if we follow Brigham’s pattern, they will have a social and economic revival similar to what they experienced in pioneer times.

A Canyon Peoples’ Portrait World Premiere is just such an effort. Songwriters, event producers, musicians, studios, cinematographers, and support personnel from the Wasatch Front are working side-by-side with Kanab’s people to create an epic event that will be an example to other rural Utah communities, and a way to let Kane County’s residents tell their stories to the world!

Their stories will have you laughing one moment and weeping the next.

The Event! Image title

April 2nd and 3rd (spring break!) we’ll converge on Kanab for two days of music, storytelling, plein air art, historic home tours, and sightseeing amidst the greatest scenery on earth, while the evenings are devoted to The Art of Food and A Canyon Peoples’ Portrait, including Merrill Jenson’s 20-minute symphonic work that celebrates early and current residents of Kane County. Image titleImage title

Merrill Jenson will conduct Kanab’s Symphony of the Canyons, Sam Payne (host of KBYU’s The Apple Seed storytelling show) will narrate, Melissa Hinton, Navajo vocalist, will sing along with many locals who have sung in major productions, and musicians from the Wasatch Front and other metropolitan communities. Image title

The ten songs and one cowboy poem from The Legacy Series Art Book and CD of the same name (A Canyon Peoples’ Portrait) will be presented in what will be an hour and a half of music and storytelling.

Issac Goeckeritz, PBS-credited producer (www.recordtoinspire.com), and a crew of cameramen will document this once-in-a-lifetime event. Please help us make this happen!

Clive Romney,

Executive Director, Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts

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