Doug Crabtree: Raising Legs for ABR

Help Doug “Raise a Leg” for amputees in 2016! Doug Crabtree, senior systems administrator for Fillauer, is running five 1/2 marathons this year with a goal of raising $2,000 per race for Amputee Blade Runners, a not-for-profit organization that provides free running and sport legs to amputees.

Join Doug in raising money for Amputee Blade Runners by donating today!Image title

Doug's 2016 Races:

March 6th: Chattanooga Half Marathon
April 16th: Salt Lake City Half Marathon

April 30th: Rock ’n' Roll Half Marathon (Nashville, TN)
October 16th: 4 Bridges Half Marathon 

November 6th: Rock ’n' Roll Half Marathon (Savannah, GA)

About Amputee Blade Runners:

Amputee Blade Runners is a 501 C3 organization, based in Nashville,TN, that helps provide FREE running  & sports prosthetics to amputees through grants. Running prosthetics are NOT covered by insurances and considered “not medically necessary”; so, our organization helps amputees keep an active lifestyle.  Our goal is to provide a running prosthesis to one athlete in all 50 states.  We currently have amputee athletes in 33 states who serve as ambassadors to other amputee athletes.

'We believe that giving someone one piece of equipment can have the power to change their life moving forward, just like it did for me!' -Ryan Fann
