Meet the Authors! Parker Looks Up

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A FREE EVENT! Meet the authors of the New York Times bestseller! 

A visit to Washington, DC’s National Portrait Gallery forever alters Parker Curry’s young life when she views First Lady Michelle Obama’s portrait.

When Parker Curry came face-to-face with Amy Sherald’s transcendent portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama at the National Portrait Gallery, she didn’t just see the First Lady of the United States. She saw a queen—one with dynamic self-assurance, regality, beauty, and truth who captured this young girl’s imagination. When a nearby museum-goer snapped a photo of a mesmerized Parker, it became an internet sensation. Inspired by this visit, Parker, and her mother, Jessica Curry, tell the story of a young girl and her family, whose trip to a museum becomes an extraordinary moment, in a moving picture book.

An everyday moment became an extraordinary one…that continues to resonate its power, inspiration, and indelible impact. 

Once you get your FREE ticket, you will receive an email with the Zoom Link. And you might win a signed copy of PARKER LOOKS UP! We have 25 copies to give away!

Learn more about Parker and Jessica Curry HERE

Questions? Please email Melissa Mantz,

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