I am delighted for another opportunity to support Urban Promise Trenton. I thank God for the amazing things happening through this ministry. I love the StreetLeader program; the teens I have met are great young people. Your support means the world to me and the teens who are part of the StreetLeader team at UrbanPromise Trenton!
I enjoyed spending the day on the beautiful Delaware River in 2015 when I participated in my first Paddle for Promise. When I wasn’t paddling I spent the day with wonderful people who all were there to encourage and support UP Trenton. And TMPC won the inaugural Golden Paddle because we raised the most money to help kids and teens in Trenton.
Last year the Golden Paddle went to Trinity Princeton; wouldn't it be great to bring it back home to TMPC?! I need your help though- I can paddle, but your donation will help me reach my goal of $3000 and, combined with the other paddlers from TMPC, Mark Tomkovicz and my son, Sam Spencer, we think we have the winning combo to bring the Golden Paddle home!
UP Trenton is an answer to prayer for me. I met Bruce Main in 2002 and, for years, I wanted to see Urban Promise in Trenton. When UP Trenton opened in 2011, TMPC was on board immediately! I can’t think of another organization like Urban Promise. They are committed to impacting children, youth and young adults with the transforming power of the gospel. I have sought to be a cheerleader for UP Trenton while encouraging the people of my congregation to support this work with their time and expertise and their finances.
I thank you in advance for your support and ask for your prayers for UrbanPromise Trenton!
Want to donate by check? Please make check to Urban Promise Trenton and mail to 801 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08618. Don't forget to put my name in in the memo line!
Does your employer have a company match program? Let us know and we will be happy to facilitate the match process!
Contact Eric: emartin@urbanpromisetrenton.org for more information on employee matches.
UrbanPromise Trenton (UPT) is a private,non-profit organization and, as such, donations made to UPT are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS law.
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