Be the Light

Help us this holiday season.


“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light,” exclaims Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 3rd installment of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series entitled, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Dumbledore’s reminder to those seeking light amidst encroaching darkness is especially resident in winter months when the days continue to grow shorter. Culturally, our response is to follow suit with Dumbledore and turn on the lights: Christmas lights, winter lights. Yes, these lights shine brightly so we can see in the dark; but they also serve as beacons of hope, joy and wonder for those seeking it.

In an effort to celebrate the students of the Harry Potter Literary Clubs, as well as StreetLeaders, UPT is planning Christmas parties to celebrate and honor these students who have worked so very hard in 2019; and we are inviting our friends and family to contribute.

Funds raised will be used to purchase gifts, including books, Harry Potter-themed Lego sets and wands, matching LL Bean flannel shirts for the StreetLeaders, sweaters and sweatshirts. Funds will also be used to gift college scholarships to UPT seniors and undergraduate students, as well as underwrite expeditionary and experiential learning field trips in the winter and spring.

Please consider contributing to the Literary Clubs and StreetLeader Program.

We are working to raise a total of $5,000 and appreciate any gift, no matter the amount. Please consider giving a recurring donation to maximize your giving potential through 2020! It's easy to do and will support our Literary Clubs all year long!

Thank you, and have a blessed holiday,

Michael Lovaglio

Program Director

UrbanPromise Trenton

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