UrbanPromise Trenton

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Services & Impact

UrbanPromise Trenton believes in the power of opportunity. We provide Trenton youth and teens with the tools to believe in and build, a positive future. 

Our SummerCamp and AfterSchool Programs have transitioned back to in-person and we love seeing the kids each day. While we have seen some learning challenges, particularly in the lower grades, our dedicated team of volunteers is there to provide all the support they need.

They say tough times make you stronger. We think tough times make you understand that working together is the only way through. Our donors, volunteers, and staff have been nothing less than spectacular in making everything work to make sure the children, teens, and families are able to receive academic support, emotional support, and in-kind support.

We are grateful for everyone who has made a difference for the youth and teens at UPT. So many people do so much to make sure we are here, growing through everything as we serve the children and teens who are part of UPT. Together we can do what we cannot do alone.

If you would like to send a check, please remit:

UrbanPromise Trenton

801 West State Street

Trenton, NJ 08618

UrbanPromise Trenton (EIN 81-1548363) Is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 private non-profit organization.No goods or services were provided in return by UPT unless noted above. Please keep this document with your tax records.

Does your employer offer a donor match? Do you need help facilitating that process? Please contact Eric Martin emartin@urbanpromisetrenton.org for assistance.

 If you would like to give a gift of stock, here is our transfer information:                                   DTC Number: 0164                                                                                                                       Account Number: 9476-3268                                                                                                     Account Name: Urban Promise Trenton, Inc                                                                             Broker Information:  Charles Schwab and Co, Inc.                                                                              If you need further assistance with a stock transfer, please contact Eric Martin: emartin@urbanpromisetrenton.org.

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