Marigny Opera House

Nonprofit carousel pompo  front doors

Services & Impact

In 2011, Dave Hurlbert and Scott King purchased the neglected 1853 Holy Trinity Church building in New Orleans’ Marigny neighborhood, to save and restore the building, and to return it to use as an arts resource for the city of New Orleans.

The project has been an ongoing success. Since its inception, the Marigny Opera House has presented hundreds of artists in scores of productions, including Marigny Opera House New Dance Festival, OperaCréole, Cripple Creek Theatre, Birdfoot Music Festival, New Resonance Orchestra, Musical Arts Society of New Orleans, Tennessee Williams Theatre Festival, Prospect and many other groups and individual artists.

In 2014 we established the Marigny Opera Ballet, a contemporary repertory dance company, to give professional opportunities to talented local choreographers, dancers and musicians. The company of twelve dancers has completed seven successful seasons at the Marigny Opera House, including 76 performances—all to live, acoustic music. 

The Marigny Opera House serves as a community meeting place and is committed to hosting charitable or philanthropic meetings, workshops and seminars public or private audiences.
Groups we've hosted include House of Tulip, LGBT+ Achives Project of New Orleans, Trystereo, CORE, among others.

The Marigny Opera House Foundation

The Marigny Opera House is supported by the Marigny Opera House Foundation, a 501(c )3 organization founded by the building's owners. The building's day-to- day operations and events are all subsidized by occasional rentals for weddings and film shoots, and from a portion of ticket sales for the public events hosted there. Performing artists and arts/community organizations do not pay any rent for use of the space; tickets sold for any public performance are split between the artist/group and the Marigny Opera House Foundation---with the artists receiving at least 60% of all proceeds.

The Friends of the Marigny Opera House

Our donors, the Friends of the Marigny Opera House, enable our work with their generous support. We acknowledge their tax-deductible gifts in our performance programs throughout each season. There are three levels of donations:

    Sustaining Patrons ($5,000 or higher)

    Gold Level ($1,000-$4,999)

    Purple Level ($500-$999)

    Green Level ($100-$499)

    Donors ($10-$99)

 The Marigny Opera House Foundation is supported by the SHS Foundation, the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation, and in part by a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans and administered by the Arts Council New Orleans.

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