Istrouma High School is a public school located in North Baton Rouge, Louisiana, that was founded in 1917. After being closed due to a state takeover in 2014, the community and school district have chosen to reestablish the iconic Istrouma High School as an important anchor in its community. Istrouma High School is to reopen its doors in the Fall of 2017 and will be celebrating 100 years with revitalized programming and strong community support.
In order to heighten our school’s morale at Istrouma High School, we strongly believe that it is imperative to have a football program for our students to enjoy. However, due to the closing of Istrouma High School in 2014, there is no football equipment. We need your help in order to implement a true football program at Istrouma High School. Your assistance will enable our students to have an invaluable high school experience by allowing them to be a part of a team, which will also create a positive outlet for their lives. Thank you in advance for your compassion, and please understand that whatever you are able to contribute, will be greatly appreciated.
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