Make 'm Smile-fari 2020

Be a Hero and Sponsor a Carload of Smiles!

Due to the Coronavirus, safety concerns, and social distancing, this year's annual Make ‘m Smile festival to celebrate kids with special needs - our VIPS - will look different this year! We won’t be able to gather at Lake Eola, but our team has collaborated and come up with an exciting alternative event to make our VIPs Smile!


and Help Us Bring Miles of Smiles to VIP kids!

We have all experienced isolation these past weeks, but families impacted by disability often live in this world every day. This has been an extremely challenging season for VIP families, with added demands and little or no opportunity for a break! So now more than ever, our VIP families REALLY need to feel some love!


We need YOUR HELP to send our VIP kids and families on an Amazing Road Trip Through Wild Florida!

We are hosting over 1,500 VIP families on a FREE, fun, driving caravan through two winding miles of scenic safari terrain where our VIP kids will participate in a visual scavenger hunt at Wild Florida! Our smile team and beloved characters including our very own Nathaniel will send them off with smiles and special surprises!  

We are “ON THE HUNT” for Help to send 500 VIP families on our SMILE-fari!

For $25 you can sponsor a carload of smiles and send a VIP family on our SMILE-fari!

Will you join with us and sponsor 1 or more VIP families and help bring carloads of smiles?
All donations are tax-deductible.

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