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HRPT: PGM Scratch Session WorkshopHolding space for our own expression while physically holding space for each other during the processing of emotions. |
The PGM Physical Scratch Sessions Workshop is about building space for PGM/ BIPOC to gather and practice what it means to embody our ability to hold space for our own expression while physically holding space for each other during the processing of emotions like grief and joy. We will go over the initial steps of building safe physical sessions and how to build community around Physical Scratch Sessions.
While in community, we will explore our own historical trauma tracking as well as our ability to use our voices through music, expressing grief and joy and being heard. This workshop will help you practice becoming close and comfortable.
Featuring Aaron Johnson:
Aaron Johnson is a facilitator, public speaker, and touch specialist working to identify and interrupt barriers between people. As co-founder of both Holistic Resistance and Grief to Action, Aaron takes the time to hold the stories of black people around homophobia, transphobia, internalized racism, and those that are Chronically UnderTouched. Because oppression is a part of historical and present American culture, the long-term impact of those trauma stories should be acknowledged and held as a map for our collective healing. Aaron Johnson practices and invites various methods of moving through these stories, such as the communal listening ear, sound healing, meditation, and closeness to the earth.
Workshop Location: Masking is optional for the workshop; however, we ask that those who would like to be mask-free rapid test beforehand.
*If you are feeling unwell the day of the workshop or have had a Covid exposure, please do not attend. Thank you!
For more information on what the Holistic Resistance and Grief to Action Team is up to in 2023 and beyond, subscribe here.
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