With schools closed through the end of the year, Bay Area students need you now more than ever. With your support, Silicon Valley Education Foundation can keep students engaged with STEM learning at home...especially those farthest from access and opportunity. Your gift will have an immediate impact for thousands of students, as we:
- Print and distribute 7,000 math and science learning packets to students who lack internet access and devices.
- Produce free online math and science video lessons and interactive interviews with STEM professionals through the end of the school year.
- Offer online or in-person summer programs for 5,000 students who are at risk of falling behind in math.
- Ensure that all program registrants currently lacking internet access and devices are provided with these essentials.
- Connect teachers with professional development and support online.
- Provide virtual support for thousands of students through the summer as we navigate this new educational landscape.
But we can’t do it without you. Please support Silicon Valley students, teachers, and families...make a donation today.