Irreverent Warriors Silkies Hike- Mobile, AL

We when we get together we can prevent suicide

The Silkies Hike provides a day of laughter, love, and therapy for veterans suffering from PTS, depression, and other stressors of life- with the end goal of preventing suicide.

It is our belief that the most effective way to PREVENT suicide is to bring veterans together to connect with each other. The Silkies Hike is a chance for veterans to get together and support each other.  Just like we did in the military, we use humor and camaraderie to heal our mental wounds.

The mission of the Silkies Hike is to bring veterans together with laughter and camaraderie, create a support network for veterans, and provide a day of therapy - in order to prevent veteran suicide.

These hikes support and spread our bottom line: "put the gun back on safe, put it back on the nightstand, and stick around a bit longer." 

The Silkies Hike combines some of the things Marines and soldiers love the most- in an effort to bring awareness to a serious issue: humor and very short shorts known as silkies. 


A 22km (13.6 mile) VETERAN'S ONLY hike with 22 kg on our backs (for whoever enjoys the weight, it's not required) throughout downtown Mobile.


To get our veterans together, to put weight on our backs and feel nostalgic, to laugh, to connect, to make friendships, to build a support network, and to remind us that our camaraderie and brotherhood will never die.



STAGING TIME: 0800-1000 










CIVILIANS/SUPPORTERS: THE ACTUAL HIKE IS FOR MILITARY VETERANS ONLY however please meet us at the park for the initial festivities and also advance to the locations if you'd like to receive your veterans with cheers, hugs, kisses, photos, videos, screaming, yelling, and excessive PDA. 

Uniform of the Day:

U.S. Marines – green SILKIES, body/face paint, desert/combat boots.

U.S. Navy - green/blue/black SILKIES, body/face paint, desert/combat boots. Corpsman. 

U.S. Army - green/black SILKIES, body/face paint, banana hammocks, body/face paint, desert/combat boots you can put a lot of weight and miles on, you can leave the reflective army belts at home. 

U.S. Air Force - green/blue/black/pink SILKIES, body/face paint, desert/combat boots...remember there is no air conditioning during the march because it's happening "outside."

U.S. Coast Guard - turqoise/aquamarine/pink SILKIES with dolphin caricatures, body/face paint, desert/combat boots, prepare to hear Coastie jokes from your Navy brethren for the entirety of the march. 

CIVILIANS - We appreciate all the love and support and look forward to seeing you guys at our bar stops and at the final party. This is a no shit serious hump for over 8 hours with 22 kilos on our backs, at speed, in some serious temperatures.

This is a time for us as veterans to re-live the times we once had, bond, and laugh at all the bullshit we used to deal with...


Backpack - The 22 kg is optional

Snacks, protein bars, fruit

Camelback with water


For the families, friends, civilians, and supporters meeting us as the Muster location:

Food, drinks, tables, chairs, sunscreen

Transportation and Safety:

Police escort is being requested at this time for potential high traffic areas...if not, some volunteers/voluntolds with road guard vests will have to do.

Navigating 100+ crazies through the nation's 4th largest city from the galleria area to downtown and back...piece of cake right?


No weapons, weapon accessories, magazines, ammo, flash bangs, grenades, nuclear devices or other illegal arms (nunchucks and/or a bo staff are acceptable). We will be going into bars and other public venues, so even if you are licensed for concealed carry - LEAVE IT AT HOME...and I could give two fucks about "open-carry", if I see any moron with a rifle/pistol I will personally kick you in the nuts. This will be STRICTLY ENFORCED. 

No drinking open containers in public.

No conversations about politics with strangers.

No ENGAGING anyone who makes NEGATIVE comments, just FOLLOW GENERAL MATTIS'S ADVICE, "“When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend, because she knows she's dating a pussy” 

If there are any PTSD or emotional episodes everyone must rally to control the situation, help our fellow vet, and protect the group from an early night.

Do "check-in" on Facebook as we progress through the hike

Do FLIRT with girls and invite them to party at Little J's later that night.

Do whatever it takes to help a fellow vet out

Do mumble the words "I love you" to a bunch of dudes/dudettes you've never met.

Do bring CASH to help expedite each rest stop.

DO BRING A MOTO SHIRT FOR SOME OF THE STOPS and for the post hike dinner at ---------!!!


To make 22kg, stuff 5 gallons of water and the rest of the items that you want in your pack. 

For machine gunners - Make something that mimics the weight of a 240 Bravo on your back and we'll pass it around.

Bring a flag that represents your unit or branch.

(HOT NURSES NEEDED - non-medical sexy personnel just bring a nurse outfit...doesnt take an M.D. to give a cold sponge bath.)

VERY IMPORTANT!!! We are in need female volunteers to apply body/face/war paint and sunscreen to some hardcore veterans at Memorial Park.

Remember, it's all about "even coverage"...lather and repeat...lather. and. repeat.

Please understand that the Silkies Hike is not about awareness, it's about PREVENTION, because the connections and bonds that we make during the hike will become our support network for the rest of our lives. In order to prevent suicides, we have to support each other. This hike facilitates veterans bonding, connecting, and supporting each other. 

If you would like to help us prevent veteran suicides through our veterans therapeutic events and entertainment, please donate to the Non-profit, Irreverent Warriors Inc. via to donate using paypal. We are incredibly grateful for your donations and support, and we will express our gratitude by using your money to keep veterans alive and well.
We use the money to pay for these hikes, as well as to pay for transportation for combat veterans to get to these hikes.
They are a California based public charity, with 501(c)3 tax exemption. Your donations are tax deductible and the tax ID number is 47-4789126. 

We want to keep these hikes free, but the fact of the matter is that some of them cost a lot of money, so please feel free to donate a few dollars, we are a 100% unpaid volunteer workforce, and we work hard to ensure the proper safety and planning of these hikes, so that we can have a great time and feel safe.
If everyone donates a little, it will do a lot.

Please message the hike coordinator if you have questions or if I'm forgetting anything. 

Semper Fi, and Gold Bless America
