2016 Irreverent Warriors Calendar!!!

2016 Irreverent Warriors Calendar!!!

Order yours today before we run out! This calendar is made up of 100% battle-hardened Infantry Marines. Each one of us have gone to combat and put bad guys where they belong.
We made this calendar for our non-profit, Irreverent Warriors, which is helping prevent veteran suicide. 100% of the profits go to therapuetic events intended to get veterans together and reduce the veteran suicide rate, which is over 22 a day.

Within this group of playful and homo-erotic Marines you will find a Machine Gunner, an Assaultman, a Sniper, several Riflemen, and a Platoon Commander.
We love to have fun, and we want you to laugh with us.
Captions are provided for your enjoyment by Donny O'Malley.
These make sexy and funny gifts for anyone, even "breeders" can laugh at the calendar!
Calendars include shipping and are now $10, 2 for $18, 3 for $27, 4 for $36 or 5 for $45. Calendars will mail out within 1 week.
 The calendar is filled with many delicious treats and will not disappoint!!Image titleImage title