How can we build a path to world peace? We've found it's by being more closely connected to those in desperate need. One sustainable step at a time.
Just as personal growth doesn’t come from simply completing one class, but rather from investing in a college degree and ongoing learning, so too does creating lasting change require an ongoing commitment. As a Sustainer, you’re investing in ideas, people, and a belief that humanitarian aid and action for communities affected by violent conflict can meet the immediate and long term needs of refugees while being dynamic, refugee-led, transparent, and impactful. As a Sustainer of Action, here is some of what you’re investing in:
Educating the Future Generation
Early childhood education is essential for comprehensive physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of all people. Little Ripples is the only preschool education program in the eastern Chad camps that addresses all these aspects of children’s growth through a play-based curriculum. In late 2015, iACT launched the first in-home preschool centers in the region, and now Little Ripples is serving over 500 children.
Read Gabriel's full blog, Humbled in Action, on
Promoting Peacebuilding through Team-building
Currently, the iACT team is in eastern Chad launching two more Darfur United Soccer Academies in two different refugee camps. With these two additional Academies, iACT will be supporting 10,000 girls and boys the with game of soccer through a peacebuilding curriculum. Each Academy is led by two female and two male refugee coaches, and is the only refugee-led, organized sports program for refugee children and youth in the camps.
As Academy Coach Souliman recently said, “Football —to me— is everything. Football is support. Football is health. It means relationships and it means peace.”
Setting New Standards
iACT has recently introduced a leadership and human rights curriculum for women. With this training program, Little Ripples educators, all Darfuri women, engage in weekly group discussions focused on leadership skills. Through learning about their human rights, these women explore different ways to challenge traditionally-held gender views by applying new skills that empower them to become community leaders.
“As a woman, I am really happy to be joining football with the boys. Traditionally there isn’t football for girls — I’ll tell them that now they get to be a part of football in the world.” Tabya, Darfur United Soccer Academy Coach in Camp Mile, age 20
Help us aid, empower, and extend hope to those who need it most. Become a Sustainer of Action monthly donor.
Sustainer of Actions have exclusive access to the iACT team. They are invited to private conference calls with the team following every trip and our Director of Strategic Partnerships, Katie-Jay Scott, develops personal connections between the Sustainers and our refugee friends. For a limited time, every new Sustainer of Action will receive an iACT tshirt or tote!
*iACT reserves the opportunity to use funds for programs where they are needed most.
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