If you know me at all, you have heard me drone on about The Relational Center on many occasions. I can’t help it. I believe in the work we do…I have personally seen it change lives. In fact, I have seen it save lives. Plus, I get to work with a truly inspiring group of people at TRC. Some of them are my dearest friends and very best drinking companions…which is the highest honor a person can have in my book. So, here I am asking everyone I know to please give money to support The Relational Center. We are a very small nonprofit and your donation will have a huge impact. Seriously, if you can give $5 bucks, it would make a big difference to a great organization . You can’t even buy a decent pint of beer for $5 so you may as well put it to good (and tax deductible!) use and make a donation to The Relational Center today. In fact, let me sweeten the deal by saying that if you make a donation of $5 or more between now and December 31, I will personally buy you a pint or drink of your choice (though nothing above Macallan 12 as I’m not made of money) in the New Year. Cheers! And, in the immortal words of Bartles & Jaymes , thank you for your support.
Are you sure?