Palestinian Children will be briefing Congress

on International Peace Day — help bring them to Washington DC

Rebuilding Alliance asks your help to bring three Palestinian children and their parents / guardians from West Bank villages at risk of demolition to brief Congress in a concerted effort to keep their villages standing.  This tour is called "I Care About Peace" and this is the second year that Palestinian children are traveling to Washington D.C. to urge Congress to use their influence with Israel to halt demolitions of Palestinian homes and press for due process.

Our Congressional briefing is scheduled for September 21st, International Peace Day, in Hart Senate office building room 902 at 2pm. The children will present their "Pinwheels for Peace."  Joining thousands of children worldwide, many in Palestinian villages throughout the West Bank an East Jerusalem, they wrote down what peace means to them and drew what it looks like, forming it into a pinwheel that turns in the wind in a display of hope and a vision for a better future.

We're bringing children from Susiya VillageUmm Al Kheir Village, and Al Aqaba Village.

  • Susiya Village is facing a Nov. 15th court deadline on their petition to 2
