
Generosity is contagious. When you participate in GivingTuesday you’re participating in a global movement for generosity and can inspire others to join in

The Tucson Atheist Community Outreach Team had its 1 year anniversary of achieving 501c3 status at the end of August this year. We are a very small organization run primarily by our President, Jennifer Reeve, and assisted by Board Members, Lydia Simon & Nathan Shoun. Our vision for the near future is to obtain a meeting space in which we can:

  • Hold meetings where members would not feel obligated to purchase food to attend. Such as Grief Support, Book Group, secular addiction support groups, small discussion groups.
  • Have a separate room from the meeting room to provide childcare during meetings so more members can attend events.
  • Have a storage room to store donations for clothing or food drives.
  • Hold adult enrichment classes- learn new crafts, cooking skills, essential repair skills, financial literacy, civic engagement.
  • Bake sales or craft fairs
  • Fundraising events, comedy nights, speaking engagements, etc
  • Kitchen area for cooking classes, potlucks, regular community dinners open to public
  • Parking area large enough for members to park during events, space for food trucks, space for Produce on Wheels Without Waste distribution

Mock up for space

Current rents for a building space such as this is between $1000-$3000/month.  We hope to get some assistance from the city to bring that amount down and once we have the space the possibilities to raise funds will be much easier.

Please help us get closer to this dream.

On our way there we will need smaller things as well.

  • An HP Laserjet Printer, $369.
  • Replacement cartridges, ~$200 x 4. 
  • WordPress website annual subscription due 12/13/19, $300.
  • Paper, envelopes, cardstock, ~$120

Any amount will help us to our goal. Please donate and/or share our campaign and help us make Southern Arizona a safe, welcoming and supportive place for Atheists, Secularists, and Non-religious people. 
